best travel apps

12 Best Travel Apps for Better Vacations With Less Work

Traveling is supposed to be fun, but it can also be time-consuming and overwhelming. The travel checklist can feel endless, from packing to booking flights, dealing with airports, and finding suitable hotels. Traveling during covid has just made planning a trip even more complicated, with testing and entry requirements changing by the day. Luckily there are some incredible travel apps to make these tasks...

2021 hgvc maintenance fees and dues

2021 HGVC Maintenance Fees & Dues

This series serves as a reference of historical data on Hilton's annual maintenance fees and dues. When you are thinking of purchasing a Hilton timeshare, it's good to keep in mind the cost of annual fees and how much they may increase year to year. Like any timeshare club, there are maintenance fees and other dues that owners must pay annually to HGVC. Updated Hilton fees and dues costs can be found on...

finger lakes

24 Must-Do Activities in the Finger Lakes

The Finger Lakes is an area in northwestern New York filled with beauty and many things to do during any season. But there are especially appealing must-do activities in the Finger Lakes during spring, summer, and fall. The leading lakes you’ll hear discussed repeatedly are Seneca, Keuka, and Cayuga, and the popular towns include Corning, Watkins Glen, Elmira, Seneca Falls, Ithaca, and...

festiva sailing vacations

How You Can Sail Around the World with Festiva Sailing Vacations

Festiva Resorts is more than just beautiful timeshare properties that owners can vacation to. Festiva Sailing Vacations is an exclusive club that members can access sailing trips on luxury catamarans staffed with professionals to create picturesque vacations on the seas. Sailers can choose from four incredible destinations: the British Virgin Islands, St. John & US Virgin Islands, and Greece. With a...

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